Classes listed above are confirmed and are accepting registrations.
The listed course fees are per person and cover the specified duration of training plus course materials as applicable. A light lunch and morning/afternoon refreshments will be provided at no additional charge. The costs of accommodation (if required), travel, other meals (breakfast, dinner) and incidental costs are the responsibility of the attendee and are not included in the course fee.
For classes conducted within Australia (and in the case of overseas classes, for attendees whose billing address is within Australia), 10% GST will be added to the quoted prices. After payment is confirmed (or before payment if 7-day payment terms are requested at the time of registration), a tax invoice will be provided via email to the attendee's email address.
Attendees are expected to bring a portable/laptop computer capable of running the current version of FileMaker Pro (software will be provided free of charge for the duration of the class for those who require it).
Standard terms and conditions apply to registrations and attendance at NightWing training events. Click here to download them.

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